Thursday, April 26, 2018

Stress vs Oral health | North Island Dental Arts

One thing that has been constant in the era of technology is stress. Stress and its persistent presence do so much more than giving us the sleepless nights. According to the leading dentists in Valley Stream, stress impacts our immune system along with the oral health, digestive system, and mental health. It has also become one of the leading causes of burnouts at the beginning of the careers. However, what is shocking is that our oral health is compromised due to stress. Here are a few oral health diseases that happen due to poor management of stress:

Gum disease
Gum diseases flourish when you have an extreme amount of stress. As the immune system is compromised, the gums become an easy target for gingivitis and periodontitis to take hold. It can even mask the symptoms of the gum diseases making it difficult to diagnose it. It all happens because body and mind are under a horrendous amount of pressure.

Teeth grinding
Called bruxism, the grinding of teeth is often caused by stress. Many people don't realize that they are doing it. It can happen in the day as well as night. When a person grinds their teeth or clenching the jaw, it puts the teeth under pressure. Regular grinding affects the enamel which cracks and chips away. This leads to flatter and shorter teeth. In long run, stress leads to receding gums and tooth sensitivity. It can even lead to headaches, jaw pain and/or facial pain. 

Stress affects the immune system. This weakens your health and makes your body prone to diseases. The stress of work and everyday life lowers the defense system which leads to viruses and bacteria's invading it. A weakened body is more prone to cavities because the bacteria in the mouth keeps on multiplying.

Mouth Sores 
Cold sore occurs more frequently when stress compromises the immune system. Mouth sores are gray or white spots generally with a red border inside the mouth. These are caused by the herpes simplex virus. The sores are fluid filled and can even develop around lips, chin, and nose.

Stress compromises the oral health. To manage the stress, experts advise opting for meditation, exercising and adding various stress relieving exercises in your everyday life. Want to get your teeth and gums checked out, consult experts at North Island Dental Arts. They are one of the leading dentists in Valley Stream.

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