Are you embarrassed about the missing teeth in your mouth? Then maybe getting treated with dental implants in Long Island is the ideal solution for you. These implant-supported bridges can easily take up the space and shape of the missing tooth and lend you a brand new smile.
Dental implants focus on the replacement of the original tooth that was lost and some parts of the original tooth root. Dental implants help in creating an aesthetic and beautiful smile for those who suffer from the problem of missing or crooked teeth. A person might also face difficulty in speaking which might lower his confidence. Dental implants are the best way of dealing with such issues. Dental implants can be crafted out of various materials such as porcelain, ceramic, and resin. The dentist, before proceeding with the procedure, will draw a full analysis of the condition of your teeth and determine the target areas.
The dentist will take an X-Ray of the mouth and suggest you the correct treatment. If you require multiple implants or not, it will be entirely dependent on the doctor’s diagnosis.
Major advantages of multiple dental implants in Long Island
There is an umpteen number of advantages attached to getting multiple dental implants. Dental implants look and feel the same way as natural teeth. They build a natural smile that is aesthetically appealing. These make the best replacement options for missing and crooked teeth. Not only do they look natural like these also function exactly like the original teeth.
Multiple dental implants help in preserving the health of the treated tooth bone as well. A little part of the root is also treated. With the aid of a dental implant or denture, the bone will not be prone to further damage or deterioration. Dental implants are the most simple, convenient, and comfortable options available. These take the shape of the teeth accurately and generally do not pose any usage problems.
What is the procedure of placing the implants?
The procedure of placing the implants in the mouth is not very complicated.
Step 1. Cylinder shaped implants are inserted into the patient's jaw. You will have to visit your dentist regularly in order to keep a check on the condition of your implants. The implant will be left to bond with the bone for about 6 months.
Step 2. The dental surgeon might attach extensions to the implants if the need arises. This serves as a base for the placement of the new teeth/implant.
Step 3. In the final step, bridges will be carved and abutments will be placed in the affected tooth. After some time, you will be able to talk, eat, and swallow properly with the help of your newly placed dental implants.
Are you looking for multiple dental implants treatment in Long Island? Consult the best doctors at North Island Dental Arts. For more information, call at 516-616-4800