Friday, September 6, 2019

Oral health facts & tips: Tooth whitening

Teeth whitening in Long Island is a controversial topic in the world of dentistry. It is a very famous service provided by a lot of professionals especially by cosmetic dentists, but some see it as a potential health hazard if done too much or incorrectly.

Unfortunately, it is also provided by a lot of nonprofessionals who are not qualified to carry out such procedures. Furthermore, there is also a lot of misinformation on this topic on the internet making it difficult for people to consult a dentist who is interested in getting their teeth whitened. And as usual, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

Here, we separate fact from fiction and help you learn more about teeth whitening in Long Island. 
  1. There are a lot of things that change the natural color of your teeth. Drinks and food such as coffee, tea, and red wine can stain your teeth over time. Moreover, people who smoke quite often also see a significant change in their teeth color. Genetics may also influence how bright your teeth are.
  2. Some people may have staining under the surface. This can be a result of some antibiotics or small cracks in the teeth that absorb stains
  3. If plaque is not removed regularly by flossing and brushing, it hardens to form calculus. Calculus, also known as tartar can also have an impact on the color of your teeth.
  4. Regardless of your stains, the natural color of your teeth is set at birth. The only thing a whitening product can do is remove all the stains that have assembled over time.
  5. The effects of whitening are thought to last up to three years. Nevertheless, this may differ from patient to patient. If you eat or drink colored foods or smoke, there are chances that the whitening may not last for long. Hence, it is important to take care of your teeth.
  6. In the UK, tooth whitening products you can buy over-the-counter can only legally include 0.1% hydrogen peroxide. This concentration is too low to have any noticeable effect on the color of the teeth.
  7. Tooth whitening can only lighten your existing tooth color and won’t be able to get rid of deep stains.
  8. You can help keep your teeth white by cutting down on the amount of food and drinks you have that can stain teeth. Don't forget, stopping smoking can also help prevent discoloration and staining of the teeth.

Tooth whitening carried out by anybody other than a qualified dentist or hygienist is illegal. Don’t put your health at risk, you cannot put a price on that.

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